The Simuel Whitfield Simmons Organization is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life and access of resources for families and youth residing in New Jersey. Through outreach and several programs, the organization seeks to break the cycle of poverty by empowering families and youth to achieve self-sufficiency.
Founded by Natasha Rodgers, SWS honors the legacy of the late Rev. Simuel Whitfield Simmons. Rev. Simmons founded Humanity Baptist Church in Newark, New Jersey, and was committed to providing much needed resources to his community. It was his commitment that inspired now CEO/Founder Natasha Rodgers to establish the organization and continue in his humanitarian footsteps.
Select one of the links below to learn more about the Simuel Whitfield Simmons Organization:
- About Rev. Simuel Whitfield Simmons
- Mission Statement
- About the Founder
- Board Members
- Press Releases